Talent Booster English Guide-7(Eng.Version)

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Author: Santra Publication Pvt Ltd

No of Pages:384

Title: English Guide - 7
Published for students of WBBSE Class 7

‘English Guide -7’ is a comprehensive guide for the English - B (English Language and Literature) curriculum of class VII under WBBSE. English is a compulsory subject and hence needs proper understanding to score higher. This book is a reference support for the textbook provided by the Board. All the 13 Seen lessons have been presented in a thorough manner following the CCE pattern of question-answers. All the textbook Activities have been solved. Unseen passages with solutions have been provided. 15 Grammar lessons have been incorporated with proper rules and ample examples to provide clear understanding. 6 Writing lessons have been provided with numerous solved examples. Peacock Model has been included with examples for all the Indicators. Finally Summative Question Papers from several schools have been attached to help the students.

Written In An Easy, Lucid And Colloquial Language.

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