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Author:  Dr.T.K.Kar (Author), Dr.S.Jana (Author), 

No of Pages:528

Published for B.Tech. / B.E. Semester – III

‘Fundamental Engineering Mathematics – CSE & IT’ has been created for the B.Tech. / B.E. Semester – III Engineering students of CSE and IT, following the latest syllabuses of AICTE, MAKAUT and other Indian Technical Universities. This book, by Dr. Tapan Kr. Kar and Dr. Soovoojeet Jana, includes a total of 23 chapters, the topics of which spreads from Differential Calculus to Integral Calculus including Vector Integration. Ordinary Differential Equations and Graph Theory too, form a part of this book. The concepts and theorems have been lucidly explained in detail. An Illustrative section in every chapter comprises of solved examples. Questions from several universities are included in it. Exercise section will provide students with materials for practice. MCQs in sufficient quantities are added as well. Engineering students, especially those under MAKAUT, will be greatly benefitted. The ‘Fundamental Engineering Mathematics – CSE & IT’ will be helpful for GATE preparations as well.

ISBN No: 978-93-86911-93-3

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