Snatak Porikshagare Pranividya SEM-1(Beng.Version)

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Author: Dr. Sankar Prasad Maiti, Prof. Ramaprasad Ghosh, Dr. Sumit Giri

No of Pages:232

স্নাতক পরীক্ষাগারে প্রাণীবিদ্যা or Practical Zoology (Sem-I) is a Bengali version practical book prepared for the students appearing for B.Sc General Course Semester-I of Zoology. The book follows the UGC-prescribed CBCS syllabi of CU, WBSU, KU, VU, BU, CBPBU, NBU, SKBU, KNU and all Universities of West Bengal. The book is also meant for students from Tripura University. This book comprises of Animal Identification with Reasons, Study of Permanent Slides, Identification of Poisonous and Non-poisonous Snakes, Dissection and Mounting and Animal Album in detail. Latest classification of animals has been followed in this edition. Scientific names have been incorporated for better learning. Enlarged and labelled diagrams, information in tabular formats, observation and inferences are likely to greatly benefit the students

ISBN No: 978-93-86911-30-8

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