Dhrupadi Bharatiya Darshan (Semester Based)(Beng.Version)

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Author: Dr. Tamoghna Sarkar

No of Pages: 336

Title: Dhrupadi Bharatiya Darshan
Published for UG-CBCS Philosophy Honours; Semester based.
Dhrupadi Bharatiya Darshan is a semester-based Bengali version textbook of UG-CBCS Philosophy Honours course. This book has been prepared keeping in mind the curriculum of CU, WBSU, KU, BU, VU, NBU, KNU, CBPBU, Bankura University, UGB, The Sanskrit College & University and Jadavpur University across respective semesters. Divided into 11 chapters, this book discusses the Components and History of Indian Philosophy, Charvaka Philosophy, Jainism, Buddhism, Nyaya and Vaisesika Philosophy and several other concepts like Patanjal Yoga Darshana, Purvamimansa Darshana, Advaitavedanta Darshana and Bhakti Vedanta Darshana. Selective important questions have been added lesson-wise at the end of the book. Students can also find Question papers of several universities attached at the end of the book.

ISBN No:-978-93-92426-07-0

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