SNATAK PRANIVIDYA-B.SC.-SEM-IV(New Edition)(Beng.Version)

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Author:  Dr.Tapas Deb,Dr.Sumit Giri

No of Pages: 248

Snatok Pranibidya (স্নাতক প্রানীবিদ্যা) - Semester IV is a Bengali version book based on the UGC prescribed UG-CBCS syllabus of Zoology. The book has been revised and updated to cater the B.Sc General Course students who have chosen Zoology in Semester IV. Snatok Pranibidya tends to cover the syllabuses of all major universities namely CU, KU, BU, VU, BKU, UGB, NBU, CBPBU, KNU and Tripura University. This book covers Genetics & Evolutionary Biology in a detailed manner. Several important concepts like anthropogenic extinction, evolutionary theories and its processes and evidences etc have been presented with utmost detail in a lucid way. Every chapter has been concluded with MCQ, SAQ, LAQ and Descriptive questions for practice at the end. University question paper of 2021 has been incorporated at the end for the benefit of the students.

The Book Is Written According To New Cbcs Syllabus. Written In An Easy, Lucid And Colloquial Language. Enriched With Latest And Updated Information.

ISBN No:978-81-948683-2-3

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