Dynamic Financial Accounting-I (SEM-1)(Eng.Version)

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Author:  Dr.Anutam Paul, Dr. Avijit Sikdar, Dr. Monojit Dutta

 No of Pages: 608

Title: Dynamic Financial Accounting-I

Published mainly for students of B. Com. Major/MDC (Semester-I); can assist for CA, CS, CMA and other Professional Exams.

‘Dynamic Financial Accounting-I follows the newly introduced CCF (Curriculum and Credit Framework) 2022 pattern under NEP (National Education Policy) 2020. This book is mainly for the B. Com. Major/MDC Semester-I students of CU, WBSU, KU, BKU, St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata, St. Xavier’s University, Kolkata, other Autonomous Colleges and all West Bengal Universities. Authors Dr. Anutam Paul, Dr. Avijit Sikdar and Dr. Monojit Dutta have penned ‘Dynamic Financial Accounting-I’ keeping the ease of students’ understanding in mind. Comprising 12 chapters, the book covers in detail the explanations of Accounting and its characteristics, Revenue and Expense, Inventories and their Valuation, Accounting for Fixed Assets and Depreciation, Reserves and Provisions, Capital and Revenue Expenditure and Receipts,  Adjustment Entries and Rectification of Errors, Accounting Theory and Accounting Standards, Financial Statements, Sectional Balancing & Self Balancing Ledger, etc.

 This book has attempted to focus on the logic and fundamentals of the subject with the aim to generate interest among students and implement knowledge-based learning. ‘Building Block’ has been introduced to explain every idea in detail. The lessons have been explained thoroughly. Illustrative examples and exercises have been added in plenty. University question papers along with solutions have been added at the end of the book. This book has been developed in a manner that will not only guide B. Com students but will also be of considerable aid to aspirants of CA, CS, CMA and other Professional Exams.


 ISBN No: 978-93-92426-48-3

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