Fundamental Mathematics (NEP) [Algebra]-SEM 1 [Other than CU]

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Author:  Dr. Biswajit.Pal (Author), Prof. Subrata . Raychaudhuri (Author), Dr. .Jana (Author), 

 Page :608

Title: Fundamental Mathematics – Algebra

Published for B.Sc. Major/Minor Sem-I [NEP 2020 & CCF 2022]

  ‘Fundamental Mathematics – Algebra’ has been specially designed to suit the needs of the UG - B.Sc. Major/Minor Semester-I Mathematics Honours students, strictly following the newly introduced CCF (Curriculum and Credit Framework) 2022 under NEP 2020. The book covers the syllabi of All Indian Universities including several universities from West Bengal namely WBSU, KU, KNU, BKU, CBPBU, NBU and Autonomous Colleges. ‘Fundamental Mathematics – Algebra’ comprises of four units: Unit-I Classical Algebra, Unit-II Relation, Mapping and Number Theory, Unit-III Theory of Matrices, Unit-IV Linear Algebra. The book follows a lucid approach all through and includes explanations and significant number of illustrations and Worked-out examples. Numerous diligently prepared and chapter-wise segregated MCQs have been given to enable students evaluate their understanding of concepts. All essential formulae are given at the beginning of the book to benefit students with a quick scan before the examination. Students can find several question papers of various Universities attached at the end of the book. The book has an all-inclusive approach. It offers a comprehensive guide to acquire a grip over the B.Sc. Major/Minor syllabus.

N No: 978-93-92426-67-4

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