Life Sc & Environment-9(Eng.Version)

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Author: Dr. Ardhendu Sekhar Nandi, Dr. Trilochan Midya, Dr. Dulal Chandra Santra

No of Pages: 160

Title: Life Science and Environment
Published for students of class 9 (WBBSE)
‘Life Science and Environment – 9’ is an English version textbook prepared for the class 9 students under WBBSE. The book has been prepared strictly following the curriculum prescribed by the Board. Comprising 5 chapters, every topic in this book has been prepared in a detailed and thorough manner. Each lesson, namely, Life and Its Diversity, Levels of Organization of Life, Physiological Processes of Life, Biology and Human Welfare, and Environment and Its Resources – all have been stuffed with definitions, illustrations, diagrams, activities, infopedia and exercises. This book will be of immense help to all the students reading or wishing to follow the English version of the curriculum.

Written In An Easy, Lucid And Colloquial Language.

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