ESSENTIAL BIOLOGY -11 (VOL1 & 2)(Eng.Version)

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Author:  Dr.Ardhendu Sekhar Nandi, Dr.Trilochan Midya, Dr. Dulal Chandra Santra

No of Pages : 1216

Title: Essential Biology 11
Published for Class XI students (WBCHSE) and aspirants of All India Medical Entrance (NEET)

Essential Biology – class 11 is an English version textbook on the Core Curriculum of Biology based on the syllabi of Class-XI (WBCHSE & CBSE), and NEET. The book is student-friendly with presentation of the lessons in simple yet scientific manner.

This book has been prepared in two volumes Part 1 and Part 2, keeping in mind the ease of students.
The lessons included in the books are:
Part 1: Unit 1: Diversity in the Living World; Unit 2: Structural Organization in Plants and Animals; Unit 3: Cell Structure and Functions.
Part 2: Unit 4: Plant Physiology;Unit 5: Human Physiology.

Each lesson is stuffed with Concept Map; Analysis of topics from NEET, Check Points, adequate number of MCQ and VSAQ questions, HOTS Questions, and several charts, pictures and structural formulae. Students can find Infopedia, Fact Finder, NCERT Scanner, Important Differences in the book. NCERT Text and Exemplar Questions have been added with solutions. WBCHSE, CBSEand NEETquestions have been incorporated with solutions for each lesson. Question Papers of Board Examinations and Competitive Exams have been added at the end of book.

The book has been written with utmost care to detailing and illustrations. Lucid language has been maintained all through. ‘Essential Biology-11’ is expected to benefit the students of Class XI of not only WBCHSE curriculum but also CBSE, alongside aspirants of NEET.

    Written In An Easy, Lucid And Colloquial Language.

    ISBN No: 978-93-92426-49-0

    Max 2 units of the same book can be purchased at a single checkout.