Snatak Sarirvidya-Vol II(Beng.Version)

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Author: Dr. Nimai Chand Masanta, Dr Tamal Das

No of Pages:-218

Snatok Sarirbidya (স্নাতক শারীরবিদ্যা) – Vol. II is a semester based Bengali version book based of the UGC prescribed UG-CBCS syllabus of Physiology. The book has been revised and updated to cater the B.Sc General Course students under CU, WBSU, KU, BU, VU, NBU and Tripura University. The book consists of  6 chapters namely – Nerve Muscle and Physiology, Nervous System, Sensory Physiology or Special Senses, Endocrine System, Renal Physiology and Skin and Body Temperature Regulation. Each lesson has detailed explanation, labelled diagrams, data or comparisons in tabular format and Exercises at the end. MCQs and SAQs are provided with answers. There are numerous Descriptive Questions in the exercise as well, for the purpose of practice. Also find University Question Paper attached at the end of the book.

ISBN No-978-93-86911-64-3


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