Snatak Paderthovidya(CBCS )-SEM-I(Beng.Version)

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Author: Dr. Debnarayan Jana, Dr. Sujit Kumar Bera, Dr. Sitaram Pal

No of Pages: 304

 স্নাতক পদার্থবিদ্যা [CBCS Physics, B.Sc. General Course Sem-I] is a textbook based on the latest CBCS – UG Semester – I syllabi of CU, WBSU, KU, BU, KNU, CBPBU, SKBU, BKU, NBU, UGB, VU etc. Authored by Dr. Debnarayan Jana, Dr.Sujit Kr. Bera and Dr. Sitaram Pal, this General course students will come across the concepts of Mechanics, Oscillations, General Properties of Matter and Special Theory of Relativity in this book. The second edition of Snatak Padarthabidya Semester - I is written in Bengali version.

The chapters are enriched with discussions, definitions, charts, tables and diagrams. Solved numerical examples and question-answers are provided. An exercise section (unsolved) follows with numerous VSAQs, SAQs, LAQs, Numericals and MCQs. Solved University Question Papers have been added at the end of the book. This will give students an idea of the question pattern and ample material for practice.

ISBN No :-978-93-86911-95-7

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