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Author: Santra Publication Pvt Ltd

No of Pages:660

Santra Primary TET (Teacher Eligibility Test) is an Examination Guide written for aspirants preparing to appear for the post of Assistant Teacher for Class I –V level in the upcoming TET exam. Candidates will need to answer questions on Child Development and Pedagogy, Language I (Bengali), Language II (English), Mathematics and Environmental Science. All the mentioned categories have been treated with utmost detail in this book following the prescribed curriculum. The test will be conducted in 150 marks with MCQ questions comprising 1 mark each. Accommodating 5000+ MCQs (with answers) in total, this book will significantly help the candidates in their preparation. 10 Mock Test sets have been added for the purpose of practice. TET Question Papers of several states of previous years, including the latest WBTET question papers have been incorporated into the book. CTET question papers have been included as well.

ISBN No:-978-93-86911-90-2

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