Fundamental Mathemetics (Group Theory-I)-SEM II/III,CC 4/6(Eng.Version)

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Author: - Dr. Biswajit Pal,Subrata Raychaudhuri,Dr.Soovoojeet Jana

Fundamental Mathematics – Group Theory-I is a Mathematics textbook designed for the Semester – II/III B.Sc. Mathematics Honours (or Major) Course (CC4/6) students enrolled in the CBCS – UG (undergraduate) curriculum under CU, JU, WBSU, KU, BU, VU, NBU, BKU, SKBU, KNU, CBPBU, Autonomous Colleges, and all Indian Universities.
Authored by Dr. Biswajit Pal, Prof. Subrata Raychaudhuri, and Dr. Soovoojeet Jana, this book comprises three units dealing with the concepts of Group Theory namely Group and Subgroups, Cyclic Group, Cosets and Lagrange’s Theorem and Normal Subgroup, Quotient Group and Isomorphism Theorems. Each lesson comprises lucidly written detailed explanations of concepts enriched with illustrations. Illustrative Examples (i.e. solved mathematical problems) from several Universities have been incorporated in huge numbers in every lesson. It is followed by an Exercise section (SAQ, LAQ, MCQ) at the end of each chapter, with answers provided for the MCQs. Exercises will help students to practice. Solved University Question Paper has been added at the end.

ISBN No:978-93-92426-25-4

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