Snatak Rasayan -SEC (VOL-1)(Beng.Version)

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Author: Dr. Subhro Mishra, Dr. Gopal Chandra Giri

No of Pages: 240

Snatok Rasayan (স্নাতক রসায়ন)- Vol - I is a first edition of the Bengali version book based on the UGC prescribed UG-CBCS syllabus of SEC (Skill Enhancement Course) Chemistry. Snatok Rasayan tends to cover the syllabuses of semesters III, IV, V and VI selectively, of all major universities, namely CU, KU, BU, VU, BKU, UGB, NBU, CBPBU and KNU. This book covers Cosmetic Chemistry, Pesticide Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry and Drug & Pharmaceutical Chemistry in a detailed manner. Several important concepts have been presented with the utmost detail in a lucid manner. Organic equations and formulae of essential components are provided in every lesson. Each chapter has been concluded with specific important questions and answers. Exercises are provided at the end for the purpose of practice. MCQs (solved)have been incorporated at the end for the benefit of the students.

ISBN No:978-93-92426-37-7

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