Fundamental Mathemetical Modelling -SEM-VI(Eng.Version)

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Author: Dr.Soovoojeet Jana, Prof. Subrata Raychaudhuri, Dr. Biswajit Pal

No of Pages:400

Fundamental Mathematical Modelling has been designed for the B.Sc Maths Honours/ Major students opting Mathematical Modelling as a DSE subject in Semester - VI. The book has been prepared with utmost care, keeping in mind the UG-CBCS syllabuses of UGC as well as Calcutta University, Vidyasagar University, Bankura University, all Indian Universities and Autonomous Colleges. With a total of 14 chapters the book comprises of Series solution of ordinary differential equations and special function, Laplace transformation and its applications, Queuing theory and random number generation, Linear programming problem and some Graphical demonstrations. Each chapter has been enriched with adequate worked-out examples, sufficient MCQs and a collection of Exercises at the end. MATLAB codes have been incorporated as well to help students solve various problems on Mathematical modelling. Solutions to some university question papers have been added in the book as well. The book has an all-inclusive approach and will cater to all the needs of the students.

ISBN No: 978-96-92426-36-0

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