Snatak Poribesh Siksha-Theory & Project(NEP)(Beng.Version)

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Author: Dr. Makhan Chandra Chowdhury, Dr. Sumit Giri, Dr. Dulal Chandra Santra

No of Pages: 392

Title: স্নাতক পরিবেশ শিক্ষা – Theory & Project
Published for B.A, B. Sc and B.Com students (Semester based)

‘স্নাতক পরিবেশ শিক্ষা – Theory & Project’ is a semester based Bengali version book which follows the newly introduced CCFUP (Curriculum and Credit Framework for Undergraduate Programmes) 2022 pattern under NEP (National Education Policy) 2020 – VAC (Value Added Course). This book covers the curriculum of respective semesters of CU, WBSU, KU, BU, BKU, VU, CBPBU, GBU, NBU, and SKBU. The book comprises of two sections – Theory and Project.

The Theory section discusses 7 chapters in detail. They are Introduction to Environmental Studies, Ecosystem, Renewable and Non-renewable resources of nature, Biodiversity and its Conservation, Environmental Pollution, Environmental Policies and their Practices, and Human Population. Every chapter has been stuffed with detailed discussion and different types of questions like MCQ, SAQ etc.
The Project section of this book comprises of 17 topics with proper discussion and Viva-voce. A glossary on Environmental terms has been incorporated for the benefit of the students. Previous years’ University Question Papers has also been attached at the end of the book.

ISBN No 978-93-92426-64-3

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