Mrittika O Jibbhugoler Ruprekha (Beng.Version)

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Author: Dr. Yudhistir Hazra, Gopal Chandra Banik

No of Pages:576

‘মৃত্তিকা ও জীবভূগোলের রূপরেখা – An Outline of Soil & Biogeography’ is an authentic Bengali version textbook for Geography meant to cater the B.A. / B.Sc. and M.A. / M.Sc. students across all major universities like CU, BU, WBSU, KU, VU, KNU, SKBU, CBPBU, BKU, NBU, GBU, Raiganj University, for their respective semesters. The book mainly follows the CBCS – UG (Honours) syllabus. The book has been segregated into two major sections namely – Soil (মৃত্তিকা)and Biogeography (জীবভূগোল). Each section is further divided into several chapters ranging from the inception of the concepts of soil and biogeography to the developments, human interventions, opening of newer avenues in the said genres, rising threats, and the idea of conservation. Every lesson has been stuffed with illustrations, charts, and diagrams incorporating the latest data from Research Journals and books. Both sections have a Bibliography at the end to impart an idea about the sources of the information provided in the book.
Authored by Dr. Yudhistir Hazra and Gopal Chandra Banik, this book with its lucid language and detailed descriptions is bound to help students get a clear idea of the topic

ISBN No: 978-93-92426-31-5

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