Fundamental Botany(Eng.Version)

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Author: Dr. Kunal Sen, Dr. Pranab Giri

No of Pages:344

Fundamental Botany is an authentic text book meant for the undergraduate students of Botany Honours of various Indian Universities. The book is based on the CBCS Honours syllabus of Botany as prescribed by the UGC.

 The content of the book has been developed based on the information based on the modern research work available through Open Educational Resources (OER) and various authentic references.

 The subject matter has been elucidated purposefully to make them easy & comprehensible. Each chapter has been enriched with additional study materials for the  students aiming for higher studies or those preparing for different competitive examinations like NET, SET & M.Sc. Entrance Examinations in future.At the end of each chapter all possible solved MCQs, SAQs with relevant explanations have been added.

 The book contains suitable diagrams & illustrative graphics to promote better understanding conceptual learning among the students.

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