Fundamental Algebra(CBCS )-SEM-IV(Eng.Version)

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Author: Dr. Biswajit Pal, Prof.Subrata Raychaudhuri, Dr.Soovoojeet Jana

No of Pages: 168

Fundamental Algebra [CBCS Maths, B.Sc. General Course (CC4/GE4)] is designed for the UG (undergraduate) B.Sc. General Course Semester –IV students enrolled under the CBCS curriculum of WBSU, KU, BU, CBPBU, VU etc including all Indian Universities. It is a textbook based purely on the description of Algebra.

Authored by Dr. Biswajit Pal, Prof. Subrata Raychaudhuri and Dr. Soovoojeet Jana, this book comprises 3 chapters, namely –

1)Basic Concepts of Sets, Relations and Mappings,

2) Group Theory 

3) Rings and Fields – in minute detail. Worked out illustrations cover questions from several Indian Universities. An exercise section (unsolved) follows with numerous SAQs, LAQs and MCQs. Fundamental Algebra is expected to benefit the General Course students greatly.

ISBN No :-978-93-86911-91-9

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