Fundamental Zoology HONS-(Developemental Biology)(Eng.Version)

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Author: Dr. Saurav Shome

No of Pages: 272

Fundamental Zoology – Developmental Biology has been designed following the CBCS UG-syllabus (CC-XIII) and targeted to cater to the B.Sc. Zoology (Honours) Semester VI (except UGB Semester III and KNU Semester V) students of major Indian Universities.

This semester-based book has been prepared by Dr. Saurav Shome with the utmost care, keeping in mind the UG-CBCS syllabi of UGC as well as CU, WBSU, KU, BU, VU, BKU, UGB, NBU, CBPBU, SKBU, KNU, and Raiganj University.

The book comprises 6 chapters covering the topics of Developmental Biology step by step. Lucid descriptions of the topics and explanations of difficult terminologies have been used in this book. More than 130 diagrams are incorporated with the view to present discussions in an engaging manner. The content of the book has been developed on the basis of information available through Open Educational Resources (OER) and several other authentic sources. Some discussions based on scientific terms or the latest researches have been discussed in ‘Advanced Knowledge Info’ to keep students updated with the latest facts and findings. Each chapter has been provided with solved MCQs and SAQs, and LAQs at the end. Challenging Questions have also been incorporated to help the students prepare well. Students will also find University Questions in the book. The book is likely to promote better understanding and conceptual learning among the students.

ISBN No :978-93-92426-32-2

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