Artificial Intelligence for Everyone-BSC SEM II (MAJOR/MINOR/MDC)(Eng.Version)

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Author: Dr. Partha Ghosh

No of Pages:384

Title: Artificial Intelligence for Everyone 
Published for B.Sc. Major/Minor/MDC Sem-II [NEP 2020 & CCF 2022] students

 ‘Artificial Intelligence for Everyone’has been specially designed to suit the needs of the UG - B.Sc. Major/Minor/MDC Semester-II students in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), and Information Technology (IT) streams, strictly following the newly introduced CCF (Curriculum and Credit Framework) 2022 under NEP 2020. 
The book mainly covers the needs of the SEC paper (2nd Semester) of B.Sc (4 years Honours and Honours with Research & 3 Year MDC) syllabus of UGC and All Indian Universities.
With 3 modules and a total of 16 chapters, this book follows an all-inclusive and one book sufficient approach. This book has a self-study approach. There are ample examples, highlighted passages, notes, explanations, illustrative diagrams and pictures. The topics and concepts are discussed thoroughly, especially AI’s industrial uses. At the end of each chapter there are sample questions and answers. 
Chapterwise MCQs and answers have been provided to assist the students in the exam.

ISBN No: 978-93-92426-81-0

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